Well to start off, april fools was hilarious. The day really started the night before when my companion was like, " dude, I don't know what is wrong with me but I am so saddddddd." Then he didn't talk to me anymore. Then the next morning he took a shower right away and still wasn't talking to me and I was thinking it was kinda weird. Then when I went to take a shower and came out of the bathroom there was just a note that said "I'm sorry. Just don't go after me... please" and I was locked in the house and one of the rooms was locked and the keys were gone and his bags were gone.
So after analyzing the situation a bit I decided that he was probably in the locked room and if he had ran away, the cell phone was in there and I would need it. So I looked out the window to make sure he hadn't jumped out the window or anything then knocked on the door and said, "hey dude, if you're in there tell me... because I am going to count to three and then break the door..." and nothing so I was like "One... two... three..." and then stopped and listened again for anything. Nothing. So I broke the door in half with my butt (that probably looked really funny) and the part in bottom opened and I crawled in there and looked around and saw that his big bad was open and the small bag was gone and the lights were off. So I said out loud "Oh man, he freaking ran away. where is the cell phone?" and my companion jumped out yelling "PRIMEIRO DE ABRIL!!!!!!!"
After the shock settled I laughed a lot and we took pictures with the door that I broke in half. Then later that night we played a few tricks on people and got them good because everyone forgot about april 1st. We called our district leader who does our interviews when we have someone ready to be baptised and told him we had someone that we found that needed an interview THAT NIGHT and he freaked out and then we yelled april fools in his ear. Also we got a few members in the ward. Long story short, we are masters, and I broke a door in half. Good times.
Other than that it was just a normal week. I got called this morning to do a random transfer out of no where so we'll see where that goes. I think my companion is going to train an American who randomly got his visa or something. Hopefully that is what it is, because if not someone did something stupid and now is coming to my area to ruin it. Who knows. But I do know that it is me that is leaving, so that sucks. You get the best companion of your mission so far, and you end up just staying 4 weeks with him. Great. I sure it will be fun in my next area too. Sooooooooo yeah. I leave tomorrow.
Whhhhhattttttttttt else... General conference was so cool. Sadly, even though my companion has been watching conference in english since he was 12 years old, there was a mission wide rule that we were not allowed to watch conference in English. Lameeee. The translators, as incredible as they are, sometimes it becomes pretty obvious that they aren't conveying the exact feeling of the message. Jokes are generally totally lost or not translated, the tone of voice many times is not exactly conveying the feeling of the speaker, etc. But whatever. Doctrinally I got it all, I just miss their real voices and the warm way they speak. Richard G. Scott pushed it through in portuguese all by himself, but being that it was prerecorded, you could see that he explained things at a different pace. Like he was up there on the screen doing crazy stuff and grabbing his neck, then like 2 minutes later he got to that part where he was talking about a child hugging him around the neck and kissing him on the cheek. But oh well. One thing I found funny was the accents of the translators. The "famous" translators have little or no accent of any kind, buttttttttt there was one who was hard core portuguese from portugual during the news report in the middle of the sessions. So, me and my companion have been speaking like that to all the missionaries ever since. It sounds more like spanish because it is more latiny but the s's at the end of syllables are turned into SH's and some people get confused and just think we are speaking spanish and telling them to be quiet. Porrrrrrrrrrrrtugueshhhhhh.
But other than that, Not much happened. OH I FORGOT. We taught someone incredible, and I am suspicious she is the daughter of someone famous. Her name is Regina Zucchi and her mom has a million dollar apartment here above the favela, a bajillion dollar house in a crazy rich place called "Alpha Ville" and a house in Palm springs. Also her mom is american. Just search the last name in wikipedia or something and tell me if she is a billionaire's daughter or something. Regina is like 35 and just works as a airline stewardess for fun and has all that stuff. but what is better is that she told us she has been on a search for "true religion" since she was 12 and found our church because she loves doing family history, got her hands on a book of mormon and read till 2nd nephi already and converted he mom too. Basically it was the coolest experience of my mission finding her. Actually she found us. But whatever it was so cool. We go there and she is like "I have 2 questions on my mind about the church. First, how can I be baptised? Like who do I talk to? and Second, I wanted to be a missionary. But the job I get isn't important, I just want to serve for the rest of my life now that I know it is true. Like I'll scrub the floors if you want." We just stared at her and her friend for like a minute with our mouths open and then I slapped myself in the face and it was super loud and echoed in her huge apartment and was hilarious. Then everyone laughed and we kept talking and she watched conference and it was awesome. But I am kinda sad I am getting transfered because she is cool. OH WELLSSSSS
But that is it. I love you all. Have a great week. And see ya. Kbye. Kseeya. Kbye.
Apr 4, 2011
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