This is probably the only post that will be from THE Elder Christensen.

If you are reading this you probably know me and are close to me so I won't really describe myself...

But today is Sunday May 02, 2010. I get set apart tomorrow as a MISSIONARY for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at 8:30 P.M. These last couple days have been a whirl-wind but I still have yet to fully grasp the concept of flying to Brazil Tuesday morning so I'm betting the coming days will just OWN me from the inside out as far as craziness goes. I am so excited to head off into the unknown, and am ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way. My mom and dad taught me right, and I am so thankful to you all of you that prepared me for getting this far. You all know who you are

Anyways the blog that follows will pretty much just be a post of Emails that are from me to my family and friends, and it will be a good way to see me progress through my mission first hand. Even if my emails aren't necessarily to you don't feel weird about reading them. I want as many people to share this experience with me as I can.

God be with all of you until we meet again. You'll need it while you don't have me to bestow my presence upon you. haha. I'll see you all in a couple years.


Send Me A Letter, I Miss You.

Elder Michael Scott Christensen
Brazil São Paulo Interlagos Mission
R. Euzébio de Souza, 121
Jardim Londrina
05638-100 São Paulo - SP

Jan 30, 2012

Man, this sunday was rad. We've been having a pretty tough time here
in this area finding people to teach, and on saturday we just slammed
our knees down and started asking our Heavenly Father what more we
could possibly be doing. I remember just being like, "Just tell me and
I will do it. I don't understand what else you are wanting us to do to
find these people. Please, help us. Just tell me something." And I
just felt a general comfort and stopped complaining and went to sleep,
but not knowing what to expect for sunday.

So then on sunday we go to church and people that no one in the ward,
much less us, had ever seen before. Basically God brought them to
church. For instance, one lady hadn't been to church in like 15-20
years and she said saturday night she had this dream and woke up
knowing she had to go to church that day. there were like 5 or 6
people like that who we didn't even invite or talk to who just showed

So long story short, our Father hooked us up and showed us who to
teach. Missions are the coolest.

I don't even tell people how long I've been here anymore. At lunch I
just tell people that I have been here a bit more than a year, because
if not the people go crazy and start asking me all these questions
that I don't even know the answers to. "Elder, who are you going to
marry!? Elder, what are you going to study!? Elder, blah blah blah!?"
All I have to say is I have no idea. So it is better to just play as
if it is a ways off.

Just throw me in a 6 man apartment with tons of people that I don't
know. That will be funnier. Because I remember that I liked more than
half of the kids I met in the dorms, and they were all your average
mormons, so I am sure in a 6 man apartment I will like at least 2 of
them. And the people that I didn't like that much freshman year were
at least funny.

I think I am going to buy like a little toyota pick-up when I get home
and use that for a car. That have these things here that we call "egg
cars" that are made by this company called "asia" and is the model
"towner." If I can find one of those I think that would be

love you all.


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