This is probably the only post that will be from THE Elder Christensen.

If you are reading this you probably know me and are close to me so I won't really describe myself...

But today is Sunday May 02, 2010. I get set apart tomorrow as a MISSIONARY for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at 8:30 P.M. These last couple days have been a whirl-wind but I still have yet to fully grasp the concept of flying to Brazil Tuesday morning so I'm betting the coming days will just OWN me from the inside out as far as craziness goes. I am so excited to head off into the unknown, and am ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way. My mom and dad taught me right, and I am so thankful to you all of you that prepared me for getting this far. You all know who you are

Anyways the blog that follows will pretty much just be a post of Emails that are from me to my family and friends, and it will be a good way to see me progress through my mission first hand. Even if my emails aren't necessarily to you don't feel weird about reading them. I want as many people to share this experience with me as I can.

God be with all of you until we meet again. You'll need it while you don't have me to bestow my presence upon you. haha. I'll see you all in a couple years.


Send Me A Letter, I Miss You.

Elder Michael Scott Christensen
Brazil São Paulo Interlagos Mission
R. Euzébio de Souza, 121
Jardim Londrina
05638-100 São Paulo - SP

Aug 22, 2011


My companion is leaving tomorrow and I can't even count how many times I have thought the words, "stop touching me." hahaha.... not funny. He is super touchy feely. Last night I was trying to sleep and he kept making jokes and then being like, "OHHH elllllllderrrrr, you are soooooooo coooooool." I am waiting for the moment when he, like most normal people, says "I'll miss you dude..." and then I say "welp.... bye." BECAUSE THAT IS MY FAVEEEEE

in other news the plan to get refferals is working like a magic trick. At one lunch my comp asked for refferals, and everyone just sat there shaking their heads no, then when I reminded them about the peanut butter prize we walked out with 4 refferals and a family that had commited to pass by the house of an investigator and invite them to church.

If eternal life or pleasing heavenly father or being happy or even just doing the right thing isn't enough, peanut butter is. Maybe I will write a book about that someday... oh wait... I have no idea how to write. Should have paid more attention in school.

But yeah that is it. I heard my new comp is old in the mission. FINALLY. training is cool, but there is something else that we call greeny breaking that is horrible. It's being the second companion. You have to help them realize that they still need to learn and that their trainer was not the best example in the world in everything and they usually hate your guts the whole time. I am ready to never to that again.

It is cool that kelsey is going to college. Don't be nervous because it is a pretty simple existance if you want it to be. I just studied once in a while and listened to reggea a lot and hung out with everyone and took a nap literally every day. And I still managed to get a B average. Being that you are my sister I trust you to make friends with numberless attractive girls and tell them all to write me letters. Please and thank-you.

I love you all a lot. Thank you so much for sending me scooby snacks of various types. I love them all and I am trying to share them with everyone but it is hard. Thanks especially to grandma. They tie/shirt you sent me matches my black suit perfectly and is officialy my sunday dress because it is extra special. Also the peanut butter is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD. skçljfkljsfd. Thank you all.

I miss you guys sometimes now. I think it took a bit longer than normal, but recently I think about what it will be like to come home sometimes. It is still PRETTY rare while I am awake because things are pretty busy here, but I dream about it at least two or three times a week. I think it is one of my desires deep down. So congrats because that wasn't super true for the first year/college. I really love you all.

But I need to go. Have a good week and be happy because you have made real covenants with God who is real. If you stop to think about that a little it is pretty incredible.



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